Cancel two-factor authentication

English version of this content is provided by automatic translation without the assistance of a human translator. See the Japanese version of this content for accurate and up-to-date information.


Target plan  FREEプラン  PREMIUMプラン  GROUPSプラン


The procedure for canceling the set two-factor authentication is as follows.


1.  At the top of the page user Click the icon




2.  Click [Two Factor Authentication]


Account information will be displayed. Click [Two Factor Authentication].



3.  Click Disable


The two-factor authentication page will be displayed. Click [Disable].



4.  Click OK


A confirmation popup will appear. Click [OK].



5.  2 Factor authentication code is displayed


If it is canceled normally, the QR code for setting of two-factor authentication will be displayed.
If the QR code is displayed, the cancellation is complete.
